County of Florence County
Florence County Parks and Recreation Department
Conditions of Rental Agreement
If you cannot have your activity on the date or time indicated in this contract, you should contact the Florence County Parks and Recreation at 843-667-0920. Such notification must be provided 48 hours prior to scheduled rental. All fees will be refunded, provided this requirement has been met.
Failure to pay any monies outstanding by the date specified may result in forfeiture of reservation and all monies paid.
Florence County Parks and Recreation participates in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit Solicitors Office Worthless Check Program. The Worthless Check Program was established to assist merchants and citizens in the collection and prosecution of worthless checks.
For all activities for which there is an admission fee charged, the rental fee shall be one-third (1/3) of the admission receipts or a predesignated amount of the rental fee, whichever amount is greater, and a cleaning fee of seventy-five (75) dollars (excluding overnight facilities and picnic shelters). Additionally, if Lessee does not vacate the premises at the agreed upon time, Lessee will be charged a fee of twenty-five (25) dollars for each one-half (1/2) hour beyond the time indicated in the Rental Agreement.
All youth must be adequately and properly chaperoned by responsible adults (age 21 and over) at the rate of one (1) chaperone per ten (10) youth. For large gatherings, Florence County Parks and Recreation may require uniformed deputies at a rate of $25/hour. The number of deputies will be determined by the Florence County Parks and Recreation staff. Staff will secure and schedule law enforcement personnel and all fees for this service must be paid in advance.
As a convenience, Florence County Parks and Recreation has a charcoal grill at each shelter. For safety reasons, personal grills or cookers are not allowed within fenced areas.
No electricity is provided for shelter rentals.
No pets are allowed in any of the indoor facilities.
Lessee agrees to remain until all parties have left the facility and equipment and furniture have been returned to their original location.
The Lessee agrees to save, defend, and hold harmless Florence County, and its agents/employees for any and all claims for damage or injury (including death) and property damages arising from Lessee’s use or occupancy of a Florence County property or any activity conducted by Lessee on that property.
The Lessee further agrees to make a deposit of seventy-five (75) dollars with Florence County Parks and Recreation. Said deposit is fully refundable if the Lessee leaves the dwelling reasonably clean and in the absence of damage or loss. Deposit will be returned to Lessee within three (3) weeks after the rental date. In the event the Lessee does not, in the sole opinion of Florence County Parks and Recreation staff, properly clean the premises and/or if damage or loss has occurred to the premises, said deposit shall be used to defray fully or partially the cost of cleanup by Florence County Parks and Recreation personnel and any necessary repairs or replacement and Lessee’s privilege to use any other County facility will be suspended. In addition, if the cost to Florence County to clean and/or repair the premises exceeds the amount of the deposit, the Lessee agrees to pay any and all additional amounts due to Florence County. In the event that it becomes necessary for Florence County to initiate legal action for recovery of any amount due, the Lessee agrees to pay any and all costs and attorneys’ fees associated with such collection efforts as outlined above.